Step 1: Install ampy
- pip install adafruit-ampy
Step 2: Verify ampy
- ampy — help
Step 3: Upload your file to MCU
- ampy —port {your device port} put {path/}
As your coding done, confirm your board and port first, plug-in your MCU, then you are ready to upload your file, just using the commands above.
For example, if the serial port of your MCU is /dev/cu.usbserial-11440, and want to upload a file called onto current directory.
Then, the command will be :
ampy — port /dev/cu.usbserial-11440 put
Step 4: Check your file on MCU
- ampy — port {your device port} ls
Step 5: Execute the file
- ampy — port /dev/cu.usbserial-11440 run {path/}
*** If the file is either or, it will be run automatically after start-up. So, you just need to press the RST button to reboot it. ***
Step 6: Other commands
- Download file: ampy — port {your device port} get {path/} {local driver path/}
- Remove file: ampy — port {your device port} rm {path/}
- Create directory: ampy — port {your device port} mkdir xxx
- Remove directory: ampy — port {your device port} rmdir xxx
- Reboot: ampy — port {your device port} reset
That’s all, so easy right ? Hope this helps !
Posted by Yungger
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